jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

Curso de desbloqueo y reparacion por soft

Te ensenamos a  trabajar  con las cajas  mas utiles y   mas  estandares del  mercado  ademas  te ensenamos  el  debloqueo  por  software libre ademas  te ensenamos a hacer  tespoint  y otras opciones como  a intalar  aplicaciones,  ha personalizar los telefonos  de las  distintas marcas  a  hacer  cajas de  desbloqueo,  como hacer adaptadores para  tus cajas  los codigos de  telefonos   para cada  marca de celular  y mas opciones  ademas  si quieres  llevarte la  informacion y no quieres pasar el  curso  tenemos  tambien unos  dvd que  hemos realizado para  poder  ayudarte  en tu  trabajo cotidiano .

contactanos a dailofu_2006@yahoo.es o a 5352929838



Venta de Caja de Desbloqueo celulares Polar en solo 150 cuc

esta  caja de  desbloqueo de celulares  es una de la mejores del  mercado pero  ademas  una de las que mas modelos hace aca un ejemplo  de algunas marcas que hace aca tambien podemos ver haciendo click en el  enlace  todos los modelos  que hace de estas  marcas.

Currently supported brands:

More brands and phones  •  New features and improvements •  Every week

Desbloqueo gratis a partir de enero del 2014

Ahorra  dinero  aprovecha  la  oferta !!!!

Si amigo eso  mismo  a partir de enero  2014  de cada  5  telefonos a desbloquear  en el dia  el 5  va ser  siempre  gratis. pues que espera  esta es  la forma que ud  esperaba para desbloquear su celulare  solo tiene qe   traer al  menos  dos  mas  para desbloquear  y  asi garantizas que  tu celular  sera  el quinto  y pdras hacerlo totalmente  free aprovecha la  oferta  ahorra  dinero.

para mas informacion  llama a 52929838 o consultanos a dailofu_2006@yahoo.es

Nuevos servicios para Telefonos systema Android

Ahora  brindamos  servicios de  instalacion de aplicaciones ,  instalacion de wikipedia,Gps  y Etecsa  entre otros servicios  del sistema  android. tambien  tenemos  aplicaciones para la  salud, el tiempo y mucho mas

Contactenos  por el  telefono 52929838 o al correo dailofu_2006@yahoo.es

martes, 24 de diciembre de 2013

Nuevos servicios y desbloqueos anadidos

Again add news services for samsumg cells Added C3313T, G730A, S7390, S6790, S5310, I257, SM-C101 full support. Improved several Android operations for our customers

Una vez mas anadimos nuevos servicios para los celulares samsung por ejemplo C3313T, G730A, S7390, S6790, S5310, I257, SM-C101 full support. ademas de otras nuevas modalidades a peticion de nuestros cliente para operaciones android

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Oferta de Recarga de Celulares del 17 al 20

Recarga de  celulares  en Cuba  del 17 al 20  de diciembre   con las siguientes ofertas

24x 40 cuc en su  telefono
36x 60 cuc en su  telefono
48x 80 cuc en su  telefono
60x 100 cuc en su  telefono

Ademas en  estos  dias todo el telefono que me traigas a desbloquear  no importa el modelo solo cuesta  5 cuc apurate aprovecha la oferta

llama  ya  a 52929838  y recibe la oferta especial por  fin de Año

!!!!!!  FELIZ AÑO 2014 PROPERO Y  FELIZ PARA TI  !!!!!!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

desbloqueo de celulares samsumg y blackberry por 5 cuc

No importa el  modelo  aprovecha nuestra oferta  por  solo 5 cuc  o  6  usd  te  desbloqueamos   tu movil samsumg  o  blackberry  no  importa  el  modelo que sea.

llame   ya   hasta el mes de  diciembre que termina  la promocion.

Apurate y  dime  donde  es  mas rapido  mas  eficiente y mas barato !!!! :)

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Nuevos Precios de desbloqueo Online

Para nuestros  seguidores aca  ponemos  debloqueo por codigos  a celulares ahora incluyendo nuevos precios

     Alcatel by PROVIDER ID
     BlackBerry by MEP
     BlackBerry by PRD
     BlackBerry Z10, Q5, Q10 (All Networks)
Códigos de Fábrica (Todas las Redes)
     Fido/Roger/Red/ChatR Canada (Not Found)
     Koodo/Telus Canada
     Movistar Spain (Generico)
     Orange Spain Generic
     Rogers / Fido / Red Canada (Express Delivery)
     Vodafone Spain Generic
Herramientas para iPhone
     iPhone Network Finder (FAST 0-5 Minutes)
     HTC Factory Code (New Records)
     HTC Factory Code (Not found ALL SUPPORTED)
     HTC Factory Code (Not found ALL SUPPORTED) (Slow)
     HTC Factory Code (Supernew Records 2013)
     HTC Factory Code (Supernew Records 2013) (Slow)
     Huawei (Factory Code)
     Huawei (Simlock Block Unlock Reset Key)
iPhone Desbloqueo de Fábrica
     Canada Roger / Fido iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5 (DATABASE 2)
     Chile Claro - iPhone 5, 4S, 4 ,3GS
     Chile Entel - iPhone 5, 4S, 4 ,3GS
     Chile Movistar - iPhone 5, 4S, 4 ,3GS
     France Orange (Clean IMEIs) | iPhone 3g/3gs/4/4s (Fast) Factory Unlock
     France Orange (PREMIUM) | iPhone 3g/3gs/4/4s (Fast) Factory Unlock
     Spain Movistar | iPhone 3g/3gs/4/4s Factory Unlock
     Spain Movistar All iPhones Barred
     Spain Movistar iPhone ND/SAT (Not Found - BLACKLIST)
     Spain Movistar iPhone ND/SAT (Not Found)
     Spain Vodafone | iPhone 3g/3gs/4/4s Factory Unlock
     USA iPhone AT&T 3G, 3GS, 4G, 4S, 5 (Normal Service)
     USA Verizon iPhone 4, 4S (Only Clean IMEI Supported)
     USA Verizon iPhone 5 (Only Clean IMEI Supported)
     Venezuela Movistar - iPhone 2G/3G/3GS/4/4S/5
     LG (Not Found)
     LG International
     Motorola (7/7 - 21/24h)
     Motorola (8 Digits Code) & SideKick Slide (Moto Q700) - T-Mobile USA
     Motorola Database 2 (Atrix 4G, XT720, MB511, Defy, ...)
     Motorola Special (Not Found)
     Motorola Worldwide Unlock Codes
     Mobistar Nokia 20 Digit NCK
     Movistar Nokia Lumia
     Movistar Nokia Lumia (Instant)
     Orange Nokia 20 Digit NCK
     Orange Spain Window Phone Lumias
     Vodafone Spain Nokia Lumia
Nokia BB5 SL3 por Fuerza Bruta enviados a 52929838 imei y hash
     Nokia BB5 SL3 UNLOCK 1-3 Dias
     Nokia BB5 Sl3 UNLOCK 15 Minutos
     Nokia BB5 Sl3 UNLOCK 36 Horas
     Vodafone Nokia 20 Digit NCK
     Pantech (WorldWide) (Slow)
     Pantech NOT Found (P9060, P9070, P2030 etc...)
Sony Ericsson
     Sony Ericsson Database 1 by S/N (W100, W100i, W150, W150i, W150a, S312)
     Sony Xperia
     SonyEricsson (All Models) (only NCK)
Otros servicios
     Orange Nokia Only 15 Digit NCK
     Orange Sony / Sony Ericsson
La mejor y más segura forma para desbloquear móviles. Con la liberación o desbloqueo por código, los teléfonos quedan libres de forma permanente para utilizar los servicios de cualquier compañía; sin perder la garantía y sin muchas complicaciones.

Todas estas  opciones solo en http://desbloqueomoviles.blogspot.com

si ud esta  en cuba  solo tiene que  hacer  una transferencia al  banco metropolitano a :

MN    ---  9205 9598 7061 1929
CUC  ---  9200 9598 7091 0938

posterior  nos  envia un correo  con la fecha  y  monto de la  transaccion  o  un sms con estos  datos  a nuestro  celular y en cuanto este  llegue  sera atendida  su solicitud

Correo  ---  dailofu_2006@yahoo.es
Celular ---  5352929838

Solo  nos queda  desearles que  disfruten un rapido y feliz desbloqueo

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Introducir codigos algunos modelos de Sony Ericson

¿Cómo insertar el código a un SonyEricsson?

Modelos : Todos los SonyEricsson
  1. Encienda el teléfono sin tarjeta SIM
  2. Presione 1 vez hacia la izquierda (<--)
  3. Presione 2 veces la tecla asterisco (*)
  4. Presione 1 vez hacia la izquierda (<--)
  5. Aparecerá el mensaje "Personalize with MNC2" y usted le dará en ACEPTAR
  6. Inserte el código suministrado por desbloqueomoviles.blogspot.com

Los 2 Mejores telefonos del 2013 y otros muy innovadores

1 - Samsung Galaxy S4 Mejor celular 2013!!

En el número uno está el dispositivo insignia de Samsung. Y es que desde que la marca coreana se decidió vencer a Apple en la batalla por fabricar el mejor celular del mundo, parece que se ha empeñado en crear un supercelular que lo haga absolutamente todo.
La lista de especificaciones del Galaxy S4 es tan larga como abrumadora. Este teléfono te ve, te escucha, toma fotos con la cámara trasera y delantera al mismo tiempo, grabando audio y permitiendo escribir en la parte trasera de ésta para hacer anotaciones; te deja manipular la pantalla sin tocarla (con funciones muy básicas, pero suficientes para provocar más de un “¡guau!”).
Podríamos escribir una tesis sobre las funciones de este teléfono y no acabaríamos.
Características destacadas: El Galaxy S4 cuenta, desde luego, con Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, una de las más recientes versiones del sistema operativo de Google; cámara trasera de 13 megapixeles, pantalla de cinco pulgadas en Full HD (una de las pocas Full HD que en realidad existen en el mercado) con cristal gorilla glass de tercera generación; compatibilidad con redes 4G LTE, la conexión de datos más rápida que según datos de Telcel, es 400% más veloz que la conexión 3G.


2 - iPhone 5. Mejor celular 2013!!

En el 2013 Apple trató de salvar su popularidad (las ventas de iPhone han ido cayendo progresivamente gracias a mejores teléfonos Android en el mercado) cambiando algunas características del iPhone 5. Aunque no hay muchas opciones nuevas a diferencia de su versión anterior, el iPhone sigue siendo un celular de alta calidad y rendimiento.
Con su pantalla más grande y de alta definición, nuevo puerto cargador y algunas mejoras a su hardware, el iPhone 5 no decepcionará a los fanáticos de la línea de celulares iPhone y por esto ha sido incluido en la lista de los mejores celulares del 2013. Además, gracias a muchas compañías que ofrecen servicio celular para el iPhone 5, puedes ahorrar mucho en lo que pagas por servicio mensual.

Tambien  cabe destacar  otros modelos de  telefonos  los cuales  han mejorado mucho   en cuanto a diseno, versatibilidad, y funcionabilidades como son :

  1. Taringa
  2. Parentesis
  3. Comologia

Como saber si mi xperia tiene el contador bloqueado

¿Cómo se puede verificar el contador de intentos?
1. Encender un teléfono sin ninguna tarjeta SIM
2. Bloquear pantalla
3. Marcar combinación de botones: Menu, Back, Back, Menu, Back, Menu, Menu, Back (en modelos mini botón menú puede ser en forma de un cuadrado)
4. Elegir Service info
5. Elegir SimLock
6. Verificar donde está símbolo X
7. Si la X está al lado de NETWORK y tiene valor otro que cero se puede desbloquear teléfono por el código.
8. Si es cero NO se puede desbloquear teléfono por el código.
Eso significa que el contador está bloqueado.

El código de desbloqueo se puede introducir solamente 5 veces.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Actualizacion de telefonos samsung y otros


I8262, I8552, I9152, I9205, S7270, S7270L Full Support. Added I747, T999 new security support

--------- Alcatel
------------ Alcatel (Normal MTK) Instant
------------ Alcatel (New SRO 2013) Instant
------------ Alcatel (New Provider 2013) Instant
------------ Alcatel (Qualcomm) Instant
------------ Alcatel (MTK Android) Instant
------------ Alcatel modems1 (X020x) Instant
------------ Alcatel modems2 (X030x) Instant
------------ Alcatel modems3 (X230) Instant
--------- Azumi
------------ Azumi (Old Q11 Chic etc ...) Instant
------------ Azumi (New Q10 Q15 etc ...) Instant
--------- Blackberry
------------ Blackberry (via Imei + MEP) Instant
------------ Blackberry (via Imei + PRD) Instant
--------- Doro
------------ Doro (Normal GSM) Instant
--------- Emporia
------------ Emporia (New RLx V3xx) Instant
--------- Huawei
------------ Huawei Calc1 (G20 family) Instant
------------ Huawei Calc2 (G5010 G7002) Instant
------------ Huawei Calc3 (G3501 G7600) Instant
------------ Huawei modem1 (Old) Instant
--------- Imaginarium
------------ Imaginarium (CAM1) Instant
--------- Pantech
------------ Pantech (PG1200) Instant
------------ Pantech (C510) Instant
------------ Pantech (C6xx P1010 P7xxx) Instant
--------- ZTE
------------ ZTE (Old Qualcomm) Instant
------------ ZTE (New R3100 Hollywood) Instant

Actualizaciones de telefonos en samsumg y otras marcas para desbloqueo

domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

Desbloqueo de HTC por solo 10 cuc


 Desbloquee  su  Htc  con precios inigualables ahora por solo 10 usd lo podras utilizar  con cualquier  sincard de cualquier compania.Nosotros le proveemos  su codigo de  desbloqueo rapido  barato y facil   todos los  htc  antes del  2012  los  tenemos  soportados  casi  al momento  y   hasta  4 horas  los codigos de Htc  no  son  devueltos.
Si  ud  no  encontrara  si  codigo  HTC  entonces vea  en la parte de  los  codigos  del 2013   y generaremos  un  codigo  de  desbloqueo rapido y seguro

Modelos  Soprtados:
Hutchison O2 MTeoR
Alltel Touch Diamond
AT&T HTC Tilt 2
Audiovox SMT-5500
Bouygues Telecom P3470
Cellular South TIM Touch
Cingular 8100
Desire S
Dopod 575
Dopod 686
Dopod 710+
Dopod 838
Dopod C730
Dopod CHT9110
Dopod E616
Dopod P860
Dopod S600
Emobile eMonster S11HT
Google Nexus One
HP iPaq hw6945
HTC 7 Pro
HTC Desire Z
HTC Flyer
HTC Jetstream
HTC P3051
HTC P3400i
HTC P3651
HTC P4350
HTC P5500
HTC Panache
HTC S320
HTC S520
HTC S730
HTC Sensation XL
HTC Tattoo
HTC Touch Dual US
i-Mate PDA2
i-Mate SP2
i-Mate SPJAS
Kogan Agora PRO
nTelos PPC6800
O2 O2 MTeoR
O2 XDA Atom Exec
O2 XDA Diamond Pro
O2 XDA Neo
O2 XDA Serra
O2 Xphone II
Orange SPV C600
Orange SPV F600
Orange SPV M3100
Orange SPV M700
Qtek 6080
Qtek 8100
Qtek 9000
Qtek G200
Rogers Magic+
SFR Touch Pro
Siemens SX66
SoftBank X04HT
Sprint PPC-6700
Sprint Touch Pro
Swisscom Touch Pro
Swisscom XPA v1605
T-Mobile G1
T-Mobile MDA Compact IV
T-Mobile MDA Touch
T-Mobile MDA Vario IV
T-Mobile SDA Music II
Tele2 Touch Cruise
Telenor TIM S740
Telenor TyTN II
Telus P4000
TIM Dream
TIM Touch Dual
UTStarcom PPC5050
UTStarcom SMT5600
Verizon HTC Imagio
Verizon XV5800
Virgin Lobster 700TV
Vodafone Touch Pro2
Vodafone V1640
Vodafone VPA Compact
Vodafone VPA Compact V
WIND Touch Diamond
3 Hutchison P3600
Alltel Touch Pro
AT&T Tilt
Audiovox SMT-5600
Bouygues Telecom S310
Cellular South Touch Diamond
Cingular 8125
Dopod 310
Dopod 577W
Dopod 696
Dopod 818
Dopod 838 Pro
Dopod C750
Dopod D600
Dopod E806C
Dopod S1
Dopod S700
Emobile eMonster S21HT
Grundig GR980
HP iPaq hw6955
HTC 7 Surround
HTC ChaCha
HTC Dream
HTC Flyer 4G
HTC Legend
HTC P3300
HTC P3401
HTC P3700
HTC P4351
HTC P5510
HTC Panache 4G
HTC S350
HTC S620
HTC S743
HTC Shift
HTC Ted Baker Needle
HTC Touch Color
HTC Touch P3450
HTC X515
i-Mate Jam
i-Mate PDA2k
i-Mate SP3
Krome Intellekt iQ200
nTelos TIM Touch
O2 S710
O2 XDA Atom Life
O2 XDA Diamond2
O2 XDA Nova
O2 XDA Star
O2 Xphone IIm
One XL
Orange SPV C700
Orange SPV M1000
Orange SPV M500
Orange TIM Touch
Palm Treo 750v
Qtek 1010
Qtek 7070
Qtek 8200
Qtek 9090
Qtek S100
Rogers TIM Touch
SFR S300+
SFR V1605
Smart Communications Amazing Phone
SoftBank X05HT
Sprint Snap
Swisscom XPA S200
Swisscom XPA v1615
T-Mobile G2
T-Mobile MDA Compact V
T-Mobile MDA Touch 256
T-Mobile MDA Vario V
T-Mobile SDA USA
Tele2 Touch Diamond
Telenor Touch Cruise
Telia TIM S740
Telus S640
TIM S740
TIM Touch HD
UTStarcom PPC6600
UTStarcom SMT5800
Verizon Ozone
Verizon XV6600WOC
Vodafone V1240
Vodafone V7505
Vodafone VPA Compact GPS
Vodafone VPA III
3 Hutchison Touch Diamond
AT&T 8525
Audiovox PPC5050
Bell TIM Touch
Bouygues Telecom Touch Diamond
Centennial Wireless S621
Cingular 2100
Cingular 8525
Dopod 515
Dopod 585
Dopod 696i
Dopod 818 Pro
Dopod 900
Dopod C800
Dopod D600 (Action Version)
Dopod M700
Dopod S1 (Enhanced Version)
Dopod S900
E-Plus Pocket PDA
Era G1
HP iPaq hw6510
HP iPaq hw6965
HTC 7 Trophy
HTC Advantage
HTC Click
HTC DROID Incredible 2
HTC Freestyle
HTC Max 4G
HTC P3301
HTC P3450
HTC P3701
HTC P4500
HTC P5520
HTC Radar
HTC S410
HTC S630
HTC Salsa
HTC Smart
HTC Titan
HTC Touch Cruise
HTC Touch Viva
HTC X7500
i-Mate JAMin
i-Mate SP3i
Incredible S
Krome Intellekt iQ700
O2 TIM Touch
O2 XDA Atom Pure
O2 XDA Exec
O2 XDA Orbit
O2 XDA Stellar
Okta Boss
Orange SPV
Orange SPV E100
Orange SPV M1500
Orange SPV M5000
Orange Touch Diamond
Palm Treo 850
Qtek 1020
Qtek 8010
Qtek 8300
Qtek 9100
Qtek S110
Rogers Touch Diamond
SFR Touch Cruise
SFR V1615
Smart Communications Amazing Phone 2
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1
Sprint Sprint Mogul
Swisscom XPA v1240
T-Com T-One TC500
T-Mobile MDA
T-Mobile MDA II
T-Mobile MDA Touch Plus
T-Mobile myTouch 3G
T-Mobile Shadow
Tele2 Touch HD
Telenor Touch Diamond
Telia Touch Diamond
Telus TIM Touch
U.S. Cellular nTelos PPC6800
UTStarcom PPC6601KIT
UTStarcom VX6600
Verizon SMT5600
Verizon XV6700
Vodafone 920
Vodafone V1415
Vodafone VDA
Vodafone VPA Compact II
Vodafone VPA IV
3 Hutchison Touch Pro
AT&T AT&T Fuze
Audiovox PPC6600
Bell Touch Diamond
Centennial Wireless Touch Dual
Cingular 2125
Daxian CU928
Dopod 535
Dopod 586
Dopod 699
Dopod 828
Dopod A6288 Hero
Dopod C858
Dopod D802
Dopod P660
Dopod S300
Dopod Touch Viva
E-Plus Touch Diamond
Eurotel Smartphone
HP iPaq hw6515
HP iPaq rw6828
HTC Amaze 4G
HTC Desire
HTC Evo 3D
HTC Gratia
HTC Hero
HTC Merge
HTC P3340
HTC P3452
HTC P3702
HTC P4550
HTC P5530
HTC Radar 4G
HTC S411
HTC S631
HTC Sensation
HTC Status
HTC Touch
HTC Touch Cruise 09
HTC Trophy
HTC X7501
i-Mate Pocket PC Phone Edition
i-Mate SP4m
Inspire 4G
Krome Navigator F1
NTT DoCoMo PRO series HT-01A
O2 Touch Cruise
O2 XDA Argon
O2 XDA Comet
O2 XDA Ignito
O2 XDA Mantle
O2 XDA Orbit II
O2 XDA Terra
Okta Touch
Orange SPV C100
Orange SPV E200
Orange SPV M2000
Orange SPV M600
Orange Touch Dual
Palm Treo Pro
Qtek 2020
Qtek 8020
Qtek 8310
Qtek 9600
Qtek S200
Rogers TyTN
SFR Touch Diamond
SFR V1620
SoftBank X01HT
Sprint Sprint Snap
Swisscom TIM S740
Swisscom XPA v1405
T-Mobile Ameo
T-Mobile MDA Compact
T-Mobile MDA III
T-Mobile MDA Vario
T-Mobile SDA
T-Mobile Shadow II
Tele2 Touch Pro
Telenor Touch Dual
Telia Touch Pro
Telus Touch Diamond
U.S. Cellular TIM Touch
UTStarcom PPC6700
UTStarcom XV6600WOC
Verizon Touch Pro
Verizon XV6800
Vodafone Magic
Vodafone V1605
Vodafone VDA II
Vodafone VPA Compact III
Vodafone VPA Touch
3 Hutchison TyTN
AT&T Fuze
Audiovox PPC6601KIT
Bell Touch Dual
Centennial Wireless Touch Pro
Cingular 3100
Dopod 565
Dopod 586W
Dopod 700
Dopod 828+
Dopod C500
Dopod CHT9000
Dopod D805
Dopod P800
Dopod S301
Dopod U1000
EagleTec PB10
Eurotel Smartphone II
HP iPaq hw6915
HTC 5800
HTC Apache
HTC Desire HD
HTC Explorer
HTC Harrier
HTC Incredible S
HTC P3000
HTC P3350
HTC P3600i
HTC P4000
HTC P6300
HTC Rhodium
HTC S420
HTC S711
HTC Sensation 4G
HTC Surround
HTC Touch (Enhanced Version)
HTC Touch Diamond CDMA
HTC Wildfire
HTC X7510
i-Mate SmartFlip
i-Mate SP5
Intermec Model 70
Krome Spy
NTT DoCoMo PRO series HT-02A
O2 Touch Diamond
O2 XDA Atmos
O2 XDA Cosmo
O2 XDA Mini Pro
O2 XDA Orion
O2 XDA Trion
Orange SPV C500
Orange SPV E600
Orange SPV M2500
Orange SPV M6000
Orange Touch HD
PLAY Touch Diamond
Qtek 2020i
Qtek 8060
Qtek 8500
Qtek A8300
Qtek S300
SFR Touch Dual
SFR V1640
SoftBank X02HT
Sprint Mogul
Sprint TIM Touch
Swisscom Touch Diamond
Swisscom XPA v1415
T-Mobile Dash
T-Mobile MDA Compact II
T-Mobile MDA Mail
T-Mobile MDA Vario II
T-Mobile SDA II
T-Mobile Vodafone Touch Pro2
Telefonica TSM400
Telenor Touch HD
Telstra Touch Diamond
Telus Touch Dual
TIM Touch
UTStarcom MP6900
UTStarcom PPC6800
UTStarcom XV6700
Verizon Verizon Ozone
Verizon XV6850
Vodafone Touch Diamond
Vodafone V1615
Vodafone Vodafone Magic
Vodafone VPA Compact IV
Vodafone VPx
3 Hutchison TyTN II
Alltel nTelos PPC6800
Audiovox PPC6700
Bell Touch Pro
Cellular South nTelos PPC6800
Centennial Wireless TyTN II
Cingular 3125
Desire HD
Dopod 566
Dopod 595
Dopod 710
Dopod 830
Dopod C720W
Dopod CHT9100
Dopod D810
Dopod P800W
Dopod S500
Droid Incredible 2
Emobile eMonster lite S12HT
HP iPaq hw6925
HTC 7 Mozart
HTC A9192
HTC Aria
HTC Desire S
HTC Falcon
HTC HD mini
HTC Inspire 4G
HTC P3050
HTC P3400
HTC P3650
HTC P4300
HTC P6500
HTC Rhyme
HTC S510
HTC S720
HTC Sensation XE
HTC Touch 3G
HTC Touch Diamond2
HTC Wildfire S
HTC X9500
i-Mate K-JAM
i-Mate Smartphone
i-Mate SP5m
Kogan Agora
O2 MTeoR
O2 Touch Pro
O2 XDA Atom
O2 XDA Diamond
O2 XDA II Mini
O2 XDA Mini S
O2 XDA Phone
O2 Xphone
Orange SPV C550
Orange SPV E650
Orange SPV M3000
Orange SPV M650
Orange Touch Pro
Qtek 2060
Qtek 8080
Qtek 8600
Qtek A9100
Rogers Centennial Wireless S621
SFR Touch HD
Siemens SX56
SoftBank X03HT
Sprint PPC-6601
Sprint Touch Diamond
Swisscom Touch Dual
Swisscom XPA v1510
T-Mobile Dash 3G
T-Mobile MDA Compact III
T-Mobile MDA Pro
T-Mobile MDA Vario III
T-Mobile SDA Music
T-Mobile Wing
Telefonica TSM500
Telenor Touch Pro
Telstra Touch Dual 850
Telus Touch Pro
TIM Touch Diamond
UTStarcom PLS5800
UTStarcom SMT5500
UTStarcom XV6800
Verizon VX6600
Verizon XV6900
Vodafone Touch Pro
Vodafone V1620
Vodafone VPA
Vodafone VPA Compact S
Wildfire S
Models from below networks are NOT supported for unlocking by IMEI:
3 Austria
All Networks from Portugal
All Network from Austria
Brazil Telecom
Claro Argentina
Claro Brazil
Claro Chile
Claro Dominican Republic
Claro Guatemala
Digitel Venezuela
KPN Netherland
Mobinil Egypt
Movistar Chile
Movistar Equador
Movistar Spain
Neuf Telecom France
One Macedonia
Telenor Norway
Tigo El Salvador
Tigo Spain
TIM Brazil
VIPnet Croatia
T-Mobile Croatia
Vivo Brazil

Every ways to introduce the codes in the phones (English)

How to enter my Unlock Code on Alcatel ?

Model : Method Generic

1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Then compose : *#0000*CODE#,
3 - To finish compose : *#0001*CODE#.

Model : 531 & 535

1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Press * and without release compose 787292,
3 - A new menu "Unlock Network" will appear, then select "YES",
4 - Enter the Code we send to you.

Model : All other Alcatel

1 - Switch on your phone with a not allowed SIM Card,
2 - When the message "Enter Network Key" appear enter the Code we send to you.

How to enter my Unlock Code on BlackBerry ?

Model: Blackberry 9530 Storm

1. Insert any SIM card and turn ON your Blackberry.
2. Turn OFF all the wireless connections.
3. Go Back One Step by Pressing the Back Key.
4. Go to Options
5. Select SIM card.
6. Press the Menu Key and select "Show Keyboard".
7. Tilt the phone in Horizontal Position so that the Keyboard is displayed in the Landscape Mode.
8. Type MEPD [you will not be able to see the typed info].
9. Then enter MEP2
10. Now your Blackberry will ask you to enter network MEP code
11. Enter the Unlock Code provided by us to you and Press the Enter Key on the Screen.
12. It will now say "Code Accepted'.
13. Congratulations! Your phone is now unlocked. Now your phone can be used with any GSM Network with SIM Card.
14. Go back to the Home Screen. Press the Menu Button and click on Manage Connections.
15. Turn all the Connections ON.The phone will now reboot and ''Activation Required'' will no longer be displayed.

Model : BlackBerry Bold 9000 & Torch

1) Make sure your SIM card is NOT inserted into the device.
2) Turn on the phone and click the “Manage Connections” icon. Choose the option “Turn off all connections.” The cellular radio will be turned off.
3) Go back to the Home screen and click the “Options” icon and select “Advanced Options.”
4) Scroll down and select “SIM Card” from the list.
5) Press the following keys in order: (M) (E) (P) (E)
6) A prompt will appear asking for the unlock code. Input the 16-digit code exactly.
9) Reboot your device.
10) Re-enable the cellular radio

Model : Curve, 8300, 8310, 8320, 8800, 8820

Must be done without a sim card inserted & wireless radios must be turned off.

1. Go to settings.
2. Go to options.
3. Go to advanced options.
4. Go to sim card.
4. Hold the ALT Key while typing in MEPE or MEPD or MEPPE or MEPPD ( not case sensitive ) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing ).
5. It will say "Enter Network MEP Code, then you type in the unlock code, press in the trackball to confirm.
6. Your phone is now unlocked.

Model : BlackBery Storm (9500)

1. Insert any sim card
2. Turn off all of the wireless connections
3. Go to Options
4. Select Advanced Options
5. Select SIM Card
6. Hit menu select show keybord
7. Enter mepd (you will not be able to see the typed info)
8. Enter mep2
9. Now it will say enter network mep code

Model : BlackBerry 8700

Go to the Menu -> Options -> Advanced Options -> Sim card press select, while holding the Shift key (bottom right corner CAPS), type mepd. You should now see the five locking categories listed, while holding the alt key, type mep2. Release the alt key. You are now prompted to enter the Network MEP code. Enter the code, enter Return/Enter, the device should then be unlocked.

Model : BlackBerry 8800

***** You must have a SIM card in your phone to complete these steps ( Can be active or inactive ) *****

1 - Go to settings menu => and then Options
2 - Select Advanced options => and then Sim card
3 - Type MEPD using your Blackberry keyboard (NOTE: You will not see any text appear on the screen while typing MEPD)
4 - Hold the ALT Key while typing in MEPE on your Blackberry keyboard (NOTE: You will not see any text appear on the screen while typing MEPD)
5 - You should be presented with a prompt "Enter Network MEP Code". Type in the 16 digit unlock code received from UnlockBase.com and press in the track wheel / jog dial to confirm
6 - Your phone is now unlocked

Model : BlackBerry 8100 Pearl

1 - Go to Options Menu => Advanced Options
2 - In the SIM Card menu, hold down the shift (right of the zero, cap) press meppd
3 - You'll see the unlocking level screen there you hold the ALT key (left side below @) type mepp2
4 - Enter the unlock code.


Model : BlackBerry 8100 (Vodafone Australia)


This procedure unlocks the handset from being network restricted from only using SIM cards from Vodafone Australia. In case of difficulties, please refer to the FAQ listed below

1. Take note of the unlocking code shown above

2. Insert a Non-Vodafone Australia working SIM card.

3. Ensure the phone is charged and then switch the phone on.

4. Optional Step: If the SIM card has a PIN, enter your PIN number. (See FAQ below)

5. The phone will then display a message. The most common is “Invalid SIM card”. (Different message? See FAQ below)

6. Select “Turn Wireless Off”

7. Select “Settings” Menu , then go to Advanced Options > SIM Card

8. Type alt-MEPT by holding the ALT-key and typing the letters MEPT with multitap i.e. type hold ALT, type

9. When prompted with “Enter Network MEP code (255 left)” on the screen, enter the 16-digit network unlock code provided for your phone, then press Enter. (Unlocking code is shown above)

10. Reset the phone by pulling the battery

11. Switch the phone on and the handset will be unlocked automatically. This will be confirmed if you can make and receive calls with the Non-Vodafone Australia SIM card. (You will need reception and phone credit with the different network provider)

Please Note:

If the unlocking code is entered incorrectly the next attempt to unlock the device will be delayed for 10 seconds increments. The number of unlocking attempts is limited to 255 tries only. When 255 attempts is reached the phone will be permanently blocked.

To unblock the phone, it must be taken to a RIM service centre. No outgoing calls including emergency call is possible when the phone is blocked.


Question: My phone asks to enter a PIN number

Answer: For SIM cards with PIN ENBLED you will be required to enter a PIN. This is not the unlocking code that has just been provided. For information concerning the PIN, PIN2, PUK and PUK2 codes for a SIM card please read the manual that came with your phone. This is not a handset unlocking difficulty.

Question: My handset displays a different message then what is shown in this procedure when I insert a Non Vodafone Australia SIM card.

Answer: The most common message the phone will display is “Invalid SIM card”. Because each handset may have a different variation in software there is no common message. If your handset displays a different message it is recommended to move onto the next step. Note: Faulty SIM Cards - The handset may also display messages indicating the SIM you are using to unlock the handset is faulty, it could display “Insert SIM” “Bad Card”, “Card Error” or “Card Rejected”, confirm the SIM card is inserted correctly – Gold area downwards and the cut of the corner matches correctly. You will need a working Non Vodafone SIM card to unlock the handset, Vodafone can not assists with other networks faulty SIMs.

Question: I am outside of Australia and experiencing difficulties unlocking the phone that I purchased from a Vodafone Australia outlet

Answer: Clearly note this in the difficulties description. Vodafone Australia can only send a reply to the difficulty by email.

Model : All BlackBerry

1 - Using the menu go to Settings Menu -> SIM card pressselect.
2 - While holding the SHIFT key, type mepd
3 - You should now see the five locking categories listed.
4 - While holding the SHIFT KEY, type mep2.
5 - Release the shift key.
6 - You are now prompted to enter the Network MEP code (it will also state how many attempts left).
7 - Enter the code.
8 - Enter Return/Enter.
9 - The device should then be unlocked.

Insert disallowed simcard (a simcard that the phone does not usaully accept) and enter unlock codes when prompted

NOTE: If you are unable to connect to service provider or unable to make out going calls or recieve messages, this has nothing to do with your phone being locked or not, you need to force the BlackJack to change to GSM mode, this can be done as follows:

Power on your Phone

1. Enter *#1546792*#
2. Select Option 3 Network & Call Settings
3. Select option 5 Network Mode
4. Select GSM

This should resolve your problem.
How to enter my Unlock Code on HTC, SPV, MDA, XDA, iMATE and T-Mobile G1 ?

Model : HTC SNAP

- Go to "Setting"
- Go to "Security"
- Select "Unlocking SIM" (at the bottom option)
- Enter Code you receive !

Model : All (including G1)

1 - Switch ON mobile with a not Allowed SIM Card,
2 - If phone ask, enter the PIN code of your SIM Card
3 - Now phone will ask you to enter the unlocking code !

Model : SPV C500

1 - Switch ON mobile with a not Allowed SIM Card,
2 - The message "PUK2" appear,
3 - Enter the Unlock Code we send to you.
4 - Phone ASK for New Code PIN enter : 0000
5 - Confirm and compose : 0000**
6 - Click "Finish" and phone will show "Network is locked..."
7 - Enter the Unlock Code we send to you and click "Finish"
8 - Restart the Mobile who is Unlocked !

How To Unlock CDMA/GSM HTC Phones:

1. Insert not allowed SIM card.
2. Phone will tell you to insert an allowed SIM card and that the phone will switch back to CDMA mode.
3. Click OK.
4. Click green button to get to the main screen of the phone.
5. Click on settings.
6. Click on all settings.
7. In the personal tab click on security.
8. The phone will ask you to enter the unlock code. Enter it. Done.

HTC DROID Incredible 2 - ADR6350VW SIM Unlock Instructions

If customer has a Verizon Wireless SIM card in the Device:
Generate or buy SIM Unlock code
Go to: Settings -> Security -> Disable SIM card lock + Enter
Enter the SIM Unlock code when prompted.

If customer has non-Verizon Wireless SIM card in the Device:

- Generate or buy SIM Unlock code
- Have the customer power cycle the device
- Enter the SIM Unlock code when prompted (This will occur when device is powering up).

How to enter my Unlock Code on Apple iPhone ?

Actually there is no need to Enter an "Unlock Code" on Apple iPhone, all the process is done via iTunes once you receive from us the confirmation of Unlock. The most important part is in case you "Jailbreak" your iPhone in past to unlock it, that you remove all application related to that. Once your iPhone is clean from any Jailbreak Application please follow these steps :

1 - Install the last version of iTunes
2 - Make sure your iPhone is updated with the lastest version of Firmware (Currently iOS6)
3 - Swiftch on your iPhone with an Not Accepted SIM Card
4 - Connect your iPhone to your computer using the Original USB Cable
5 - Launch iTunes & wait until iTunes detect your iPhone
6 - Now disconnect your iPhone and reconnect it after 10 seconds.
7 - Your iPhone is now Unlocked.

PS: in Case your iPhone is not unlocked, just do "Restore" !

How to enter my Unlock Code on LG Electronics ?

Model: LG Optimus L5 (E612)

1. Insert the sim card which works out your phone
2. Enter 2945#*612#
3. window appears for the code
4. Enter the code
5. the phone is unlocked

Model: LG Optimus F5

1. Insert the sim card which works out your phone
2. Enter 2945#*875#
3. window appears for the code
4. Enter the code
5. the phone is unlocked

Model: LG E400 and L3

1. Switch ON the phone without SIM Card,
2. Press the "CellPhone" icon at the bottom of the screen to show the keypad,
3. Compose 2945#*400#
4. A new menu will appear, select "SIM Unlock"
5. Enter the Unlock Code and press OK
6. The phone will restart and is now unlocked !"

Model : LG Optimus G (E973 / E970)

1. Turn on phone with Not Accepted SIM card.
2. A menu will pop up to Insert the code.
3. Insert the provided code and press OK
4. Device is now unlocked.

Model : LG Optimus 3D P920

1. Power on your LG phone with the original SIM card in.
2. Enter 2945#*920#.
3. A menu will pop up, select SIM Unlock or network lock.
4. Enter your NCK unlock code and hit OK.
5. Your LG phone may automatically reboot.

Model : LG Cookie Style T310

1 - Power ON the phone with a not accepted simcard,
2 - Type 2945#*310# to enter unlock menu,
3 - Enter unlock code.

Model : LG GT400 Viewty Smile

1. Switch ON the phone without SIM Card,
2. Press the "CellPhone" icon at the bottom of the screen to show the keypad,
3. Compose 2945#*400#
4. A new menu will appear, select "SIM Unlock"
5. Enter the Unlock Code and press OK
6. The phone will restart and is now unlocked !

Model : LG Optimus 2X

1. Insert the sim card which works out your phone
2. Enter 2945#*990#
3. Window appears for the code
4. Enter the code nck received
5. the phone is unlocked

Model : LG Optimus 7 and LG-E900

1 - Insert SIM Card from a not accepted SIM Card
2 - Type the PIN Code of your SIM Card and submit it
3 - The message "... Please call your network provider to get the unlock code" will appear

But on the bottom of the screen, the keyboard is still here with "#" and "*" and invite you to "Type PIN"
Just submit the code you receive and that's it !

Model : LG P500 Optimus

1. Power ON your phone with not allowed sim card (one that didn’t come with the phone)
2. Type 2945#*500#
3. the phone will ask you to input the unlock code twice, just input the unlock code
4. Device is now unlocked

Model : LG GW300 Viewty & Gossip

1. Power on your LG Viewty GW300 with the original SIM card in.
2. Enter 2945#*71001#
3. A menu will pop up, select SIM Unlock.
4. Enter your unlock code and hit OK.
5. Your LG Viewty GW300 may automatically reboot and should now be unlocked!

Model : LG GT350 Town

1. Power on the LG GT350 Town with the original SIM card in.
2. Enter 2945#*350#
3. A menu will pop up, select SIM Unlock, DO NOT select NETWORK unlock.
4. Enter your unlock code and hit OK.
5. The LG GT350 Town will restart..
6. Put in any sim card you want, you will need to make a call for the new sim card to initialise with the phone.
7. Thats it, mobile unlocked.

Model : LG GM360 Viewty Snap

1. Power on your LG Viewty GM360 with the original SIM card in.
2. Enter 2945#*360#
3. A menu will pop up, select SIM Unlock.
4. Enter your unlock code and hit OK.

Model : LG GS290 Cookie Fresh

1. Power phone ON with original SIM
2. Type 2945#*290# to enter unlock menu
3. Enter the unlocking code

Model : LG GT400

1. Turn phone on without simcard
2. Press telephone icon at bottom of screen to bring up the phone keypad
3. Enter 2945#*400#
4. A menu will pop up, select network unlock
5. Enter your unlock code and press ok
6. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete

Model : LG GW620

1. Power phone ON with original SIM.
2. Type 2945#*620# to enter unlock menu
3. Enter the unlocking code

Model : LG GM205

1. Switch on your phone with original working simcard
2. Enter code 2495#71001# .. nothing will show in the screen.
3. Now go to menu > setting > security > simlock > network lock > deactivate: enter your unlock code in it

Model : LG GW820 eXpo

1. Power on your LG GW820 eXpo with the original SIM card in.
2. Enter 2945#*700#
3. A menu will pop up, select SIM Unlock.
4. Enter your unlock code and hit OK.
5. Your LG GW820 eXpo may automatically reboot.

Model : LG GM205

1. Power phone ON with original SIM
2. Type 2945#*71001# to enter unlock menu
3. Enter the unlocking code

Model : LG GB250, GB220

1. Power on your phone without SIM card
2. Enter 2945#*71001#
3. From the menu that pops up select "SIM unlock"
4. Enter unlock code you received from UnlockBase and press OK
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete

Model : LG GW520

1. power phone ON with original SIM
2. type 2945#*71001# to enter unlock menu
3. Enter the unlocking code

Model : LG Viewty / GW300

1. Power on your LG Viewty GW300 with the original SIM card in.
2. Enter 2945#*700#
3. A menu will pop up, select SIM Unlock.
4. Enter your unlock code and hit OK. (Entering multiple incorrect unlock codes may permanently lock your phone!)
5. Your LG Viewty GW300 may automatically reboot and should now be unlocked!

Model : LG BL20

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*20#
3. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok

Model : LG BL40

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*40#
3. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok

Model : LG C1100

- First you must put in an allowed simcard, then :
- type 2945#*1201#.
- Goto Menu/Settings/Security Settings/Sim Locks
- Select 'Locktype'/Deactivate and Enter the code.

Model : LG GT505

- power phone ON without SIM
- type 2945#*505# to enter unlock menu
- enter unlock code

Model : LG GB250

- power phone ON without SIM
- type 2945#*71001# to enter unlock menu
- enter unlock code

Model : LG GW520

- Power phone ON without SIM
- Type 2945#*71001# to enter unlock menu
- Enter unlock code !

Model : LG KB770

1. Power on phone with original SIM card
2. Type 2945*#770#
3. In the menu that appears select Sim unlock
4. Enter supplied unlock code
5. Your phone is unlocked

Model : LG KP170

1 - Switch ON your phone with a T Mobile Sim inserted
2 - Press telephone icon at bottom of screen to bring up the phone keypad
3 - Then compose : 2945#*170#
4 - A menu will pop up, select Unlock Usim
5 - Then Select Network Lock
6 - Enter your unlock code and press ok (you only have 10 attempts)
7 - The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG CU-515

1.Put a SP-locked sim in the phone, phone say invalid smart chip
2.Now enter *#865625# then select option 1 and then again select 1 and enter your 16 digits code
Phone will be unlocked!

Model : LG TE365

1. Power on phone with original SIM card
2. Type *#0001#code#
3. Your phone is unlocked

Model : LG CT810 (Incite)

1. Power on phone with original SIM card
2. Type 2945#*810#
3. In the menu that appears select Sim unlock
4. Enter supplied unlock code
5. Your phone is unlocked

Model : LG CB630 (Invision)

1) Insert an AT&T or Cingular SIM in the phone; it does not have to be an active SIM
2) Dial this into the LG Incite's phone menu
3) *#865625#
4) Press CALL.
5) It should you ask you for the code.

Model : LG U830

1. Have your unlock code handy.
2. InserI a 3 SIM card in the phone and switch power on.
3. Enter the following key sequence 94471877#*#
4. Select the option ‘unlock USIM’.
5. Select the option ‘network unlock’
6. Enter your unlock code.
7. Handset should now display ‘network unlock success’.
8. Handset will now restart.

Model : LG KF300

1. Put wrong simcard
2. Phone alert 'insert correct card'
3. Right under in screen you see deblokkeren (dutch)
4. Click on it en click 'Network lock off'
5. Insert code!

Model : LG KP100

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*20001#
3. Sim unlock mode pop up .
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG KF755d

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on
2. Press telephone icon at bottom of screen to bring up the phone keypad
3. Enter 2945#*755# (or 2945#*750# if 1st option doesn't work)
4. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
5. Enter your unlock code and press ok
6. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete

Model : LG Incite CT-810

- Insert a SIM from the original network
- 2945#*810# will show the unlock menu
- Enter unlock code

Model : LG KP265

1 - Use Original SIM to switch ON the Phone.
2 - Compose 2945#*265#
5 - ENTER NCK (your Unlock Code)

Model : LG ME550

1 - Use Original SIM to switch ON the Phone.
2 - Compose 2945#*71101#.
3 - Menu will appear, go to settings > security > sim lock
4 - Enter NCK ( Unlock Code ) and press OK.

Model : LG TU915

- Switch ON your phone with an allowed SIM Card
- Then compose: 2945#*9701#
- It should you ask you for the code.


Enter *#865625# then enter your 16 digits code.

Model : LG KF390, KF390q and CF360

1) Insert a SIM Card from the network the mobile is locked to and turn it on
2) Insert the following sequence *#865625#;
3) Select 'Unlock USIM'
4) Select 'Network Lock'
5) Insert the unlock code
6) Select ok. Done!

Model : LG G910 :

1. Insert an invalid simcard and turn phone on.
2. Insert PIN
3. Phone says "Invalid sim card"
4. Select "Emergency calls"
5. Enter 2945#*71001#
6. Sim unlock mode pop up
7. Select netlock
8. Enter your 16-digit unlock code and press ok
9. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG Prada, KE850 :

1. Switch the telephone on with Original SIM card inside.
2. Enter SIM pin if required.
3. Enter 2945#*8501# and press the call button (middle button bottom of the screen).
4. SIM unlock mode will appear on screen.
5. Enter unlock code
6. Select Reboot.
7. Switch phone off, and then turn back on again. Phone is now unlocked

Model : LG CT810

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*810#
3. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG VU CU915 & CU920 (Vu)

1. Put a AT&T or Cingular SIM in the phone; it does not have to be an active SIM
2. Enter *#865625# then the 16 digit unlock code
3. Device should say: Network Lock Deactivated
4. Phone may automatically reboot and is now unlocked !

Model : LG U310

1. Turn ON the phone without SIM Card :
2. Enter 815118#*#
3. Sim unlock mode pop up .
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG iQ

1 - Switch ON mobile with a not Allowed SIM Card,
2 - If phone ask, enter the PIN code of your SIM Card
3 - Now phone will ask you to enter the unlocking code !

Model : LG KC550, KS360, KP230, KP500, KP501, KP270, KM900, KM500, GT810, GC900, GT360

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*71001#
3. Sim unlock mode pop up .
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG KF700 (aka LG Virgo)

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*700#
3. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG KC910, KF910 (aka LG Prada)

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*910#
3. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG KF750

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*750#
3. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG KF600

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*71001#
3. Sim unlock mode pop up .
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.

Model : LG U970

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*970#
3. A menu will pop up, select Unlock Usim.
4. Select Network Lock.
5. Enter the unlock code and ok.

Model : LG U300

1 - Switch ON the phone with Accepted SIM Card (from Original Network Provider)
2 - Enter Code : 815118#*#
3 - then phone will ask to enter NCK

Model : LG C2000:

1) Insert non-Cingular SIM card
2) Power on the handset - phone will display "phone restricted"
3) Select "Cancel" - phone will display "phone restriction code"
4) Enter the SIM Unlock code
5) Select "OK" - the handset is now successfully unlocked

Model : LG KU990 Viewty & KE990

1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Press telephone icon at bottom of screen to bring up the phone keypad
3. Enter 2945#*990#
4. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
5. Enter your unlock code and press ok
6. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.


1. Without sim phone power "ON"
2. Hold "camera" + "lock" button
3. You will get key pad write 2945#*990#.
4. Press active code.
5. Your cellphone will be restart
6. Turn off cellphone and insert your sim (internation sim)
7. Enjoy your unlocked phone !

Model : LG TU720 - LG CU720 (Shine)

1) Power ON your phone with not allowed sim card (one that didn't come with the phone)
2) Type *#865625#
3) the phone will ask you to input the unlock code twice, just input the unlock code
4) Device is now unlocked

Model : LG CE110

1) Put a non AT&T or Cingular SIM in the phone;
2) The phone display: Invalid Smart Chip
3) Power on handset
4) Select "Cancel" - phone displays "phone restriction code"
5) Enter the unlock code (8 digit code*)
6) Select "OK’" - the handset is successfully unlocked

Model : LG GR500 (Xenon)

1) Insert not-allowed SIM card
2) Power on the handset- phone will display "phone restricted"
3) Select "Cancel" - phone will display "phone restriction code"
4) Enter the SIM unlock code
5) Select "OK" - the handset is now successfully unlocked


1. Insert original sim card and turn phone on.
2. Enter 2945#*9701#
3. A menu will pop up, select sim unlock
4. Enter your unlock code and press ok
5. The phone will then reboot and the unlock is complete.


After turning on your mobile phone, press: *#865625#
Press Yes to continue.
Enter the 16 digit Subsidy Unlock Code
Enter the 16 digit Subsidy Unlock Code, again.
Device should say: “Network Lock Deactivated”
Phone may automatically reboot

Model : LG CU320

1) Power on the handset
2) In Idle screen, input the special code "277634#*#".
3) Enter the SIM Unlock code
4) Access the submenu "SIM Test" in Phone Test Mode.
5) Input the special code "2945#*#".
6) Access the submenu "SIM Unlock" which is just activated after the special code.
7) Input the 8-digit Unlock code in the "Enter unlock code" input screen.
8) It will be unlocked.

Model : LG CU400 & CU405

1) Insert non-Cingular SIM card"
2) Power on the handset - Phone will display "Invalid SmartChip".
3) Enter 159753#*#
4) Enter the 8 digit SIM Unlock code
5) Select "OK".
6) The handset will be unlocked.

Model : LG CU500

1) Insert non-Cingular SIM card.
2) Power on the handset. Phone will display "Invalid SmartChip"
4) In Idle screen, enter 159753#*#. Phone will display "Enter NCK, Remaining 5
5) Enter the 8 digit SIM unlock code
6) Select "OK"
7) The handset is now successfully unlocked.

Model : LG CU515, CU575 (Trax)

1) Put a non-Cingular sim in the phone
2) Phone says invalid smart chip
3) Now enter *#865625# then select option 1 and then again select 1
4) Enter your 16 digits code
5) Device should say: Network Lock Deactivated
6) The handset is unlocked.

Model : LG U8150

1 - Switch ON your phone with a NOT Allowed SIM Card,
2 - Compose : 2, 7, 7, 6, 3, 4, #, *, #,
3 - Go to menu "SIM Lock",
4 - Enter the Unlock Code we send to you.

Model : LG U400

1. Insert the network SIM in the handset which has given u the LG U400.
2. Enter 2945#*88110#.
3. The phone will then prompt 'Unlock sim'. Press OK.
4. The phone will then prompt 'Network Unlock'. Press OK.
5. The phone will then prompt- 'Input Network Control Key'.

Enter the 8 digit unlocking code. Press OK. If the unlocking code comes with only 7 digits, add a 0 in front of the 7 digit code. If the unlocking code comes with only 6 digits, add 00 in front of the 6 digit code.

6. It should give you the message Success.
7. Come back to the main screen and Enter 2945#*88110#.
8. The phone will then prompt unlock sim. Press OK.
9. The phone will then prompt Network Unlock/ Lock but if you scroll down you will see a message Enter SP Lock. Enter SP Code.
10. Then press OK

Model : All other model

1 - Switch ON your phone with an Allowed SIM Card,
2 - Then compose :

2945#*5101# - (if you have a LG 510w)
1945#*5101# - (if you have a LG 1200 & B1200)
2945#*5221# - (if you have a LG 5200 & 52200)
2945#*5301# - (if you have a LG 5300)
2945#*5401# - (if you have a LG 5400)
2945#*70001# - (if you have a LG 7020)
2945#*7101# - (if you have a LG 7100)
2945#*1201# or 2945#*70001# - (if you have a LG 1100)
2945#*70001# - (if you have a LG7250T)
2945#*2201# - (if you have a LG C2200)
2945#*5301# - (if you have a LG T5100)
2945#*3311# - (if you have a LG C3310)

3 - Go to "Menu" and then to "Settings",
4 - Then select "Security",
5 - To finish select "Network Provider" and select "Desactivate"
6 - Enter the Unlock Code we send to you.

Model : To Classify

For the next models u must to insert the original SIM:

LG KF245c press 2945#*7101#
LG C3100 press 2945#*3101#
LG C3380 press 2945#*7101#
LG F2300 press 2945#*7101#
LG KE260 press 2945#*2601#
LG KE970 press 2945#*9701#
LG KG120 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG220 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG240 press 2945#*3311#
LG KG280 press 2945#*7101#
LG KG290 press 2945#*7101#
LG KG800 press 2945#*7101#
LG KU250 press 2945#*250#
LG KU380 press 2945#*380#

After that will appear an secret menu,go to settings-security- sim lock ,enter NCK and press OK.

For next models insert one SIM ,not the original SIM:
LG KU311 press 815118#*#
LG KU800 press 82652#*#
LG L600v press 815118#*#
LG U8150 press 277634#*#
LG U8210 press 277634#*#
LG U8500 press 277634#*#
LG U400 press 2945#*88110#
LG KC550 press 2945#*71001#
LG KU580 press 2945#*580#
LG KT520 press 2945#*520#
LG KF750 press 2945#*750#
LG KF600 press 2945#*71001#
LG KG275 press 2945#*20001#
LG KU380 press 2945#*380#
LG KU311 press 815118#*#
LG KU800 press 82652#*#
LG L600v press 815118#*#
LG U8150 press 277634#*#
LG U8210 press 277634#*#
LG U8500 press 277634#*#
LG C3100 press 2945#*3101#
LG C3380 press 2945#*7101#
LG F2300 press 2945#*7101#
LG KE260 press 2945#*2601#
LG KG120 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG220 press 2945#*1201#
LG KG240 press 2945#*3311#
LG KG280 press 2945#*7101#
LG KS500 press 2945#*500#
LG KP270 press 2945#*270#
LG KF240 press 2945#*240# or 2945#*2401#
LG KG290 press 2945#*7101#
LG KU250 press 2945#*250#
Enter NCK and press OK.

How to enter my Unlock Code on Motorola ?

Model : All Motorola

1 - Switch ON your phone with a not allowed SIM Card,
2 - Phone show "Enter Special Code",
3 - You can now enter the Unlock Code we send to you.

WARNING : If one of theses messages appear :

- "Contact Service Provider"
- "Tampert Alter"
- "Wait before enter special Code"
- "Contact Service'

It's because you or somebody allready enter too many wrong codes, you just have to let phone ON on theses errors messages and after 40 min to 2 hours maximum the message "Enter Code Special" will appear again !

Model : Motorola A1000 and other A models

1 - Click on the icon Phone
2 - Enter the following keys: ** 057 *
3 - Mobile displays "locking enter personalization"
4 - Enter the unlock code
5 - Click Ok

Model : Motorola L6i & L7i (not L6 and L7 without "i")

1 - Press and hold "*" key by dialing code 787090
2 - The mobile displays: "Menu. Network"
3 - Choose 'yes' and then press OK
4 - The mobile ask you for code
5 - Enter the code for unlocking.

Motorola 3G

If your phone is on a 3G network enter **057*
Then enter the unlock code into the window

Motorola CDMA & TDMA

Press 74663 # [Menu] [Menu] and you will be asked for a subsidy code
Enter the code you receive
Your phone is now unlocked

Motorola Gleam

Insert a not allowed SIM card.
Phone will ask enter unlock code

If the unlock code is incorrectly entered three (3) consecutive times the phone will be blocked and stop ask to enter unlock code. In this situation you can 3 try to enter #073887* or Insert not allowed SIM card wait 10-30 min
or Up firmware and do Wipe data/Reset factory.

Motorola MPX

Switch ON your phone with a not allowed SIM card
If phone is asking for NETWORK PIN enter the NETWORK PIN we sent you
If phone is asking for SERVICE PROVIDER PIN. Enter the SERVICE PROVIDER PIN we sent you
Your phone is now unlocked
If phone is asking for NETWORK PUK
Power on the phone with the original card in and wait till phone is fully powered on and you have access to menu
Type * # * * 3 6 4 # and press green button
You will get a error message and after it your will see Engineering menu
Click Options
Click GSM Test
Select Send AT command
Now you will see a new window Saying "Send AT Command"
Type AT+CLCK="PN",0,"[SERVICE PROVIDER PIN or NETWORK PIN]" and press send
If you get Response "0 []" phone is unlocked
If you get 1 error, then make sure you have typed the code correct and try the other code
Switch your phone off, take battery out. Put battery back in. Power on the phone and leave it for 40 minitues to 5 hours until the message "Enter NETWORK PUK" is gone. Now enter the code received from us and 00000000 (eight zero's) as a new password.

If phone is asking for SERVICE PROVIDER PUK

Power on the phone with the original card in and wait till phone is fully powered on and you have access to menu
Type * # * * 3 6 4 # and press green button
You will get a error message and after it your will see Engineering menu
Click Options
Click GSM Test
Select Send AT command
Now you will see a new window Saying "Send AT Command"
Type AT+CLCK="PP",0,"[SERVICE PROVIDER PIN or NETWORK PIN]" and press send
If you get Response "0 []" phone is unlocked
If you get 1 error, then make sure you have typed the code correct and try the other code
If you do not have the original card or if the original card is not accepted because you flashed the phone with other firmware, then we can not help you

Model : V3xxr from AT&T Boot 06.24

For those who are experiencing problems with this phone you use this procedure

1 - Get the code from UnlockBase server
2 - Download Motorola Radiocomm v11.7.4
3 - Install Radiocomm and all needed drivers (we recommend 3.5 version)
4 - Open radiocomm and attach the phone wait until phone get connected to radiocomm or until drivers are fully installed if thats the case press "get imei" in radiocomm if imei appears in the screen the we are ready.
5 - Press "gsm3" tab and in the left side of the screen look for "sbsdy_lck" and select "get status" and hit execute if the phone returns 01 means that your phone is locked.
6 - Now select check if valid and enter the 16 digits code from server and hit execute in the upper side of the screen must be appears that subsidy code is done know turn fo your phone and power it on and thats it.

How to enter my Unlock Code on Nokia ?

Model : Nokia Lumia 900 (AT&T)

1. Switch ON your phone with a non accepted simcard
2. Phone will ask you to Enter Unlock Pin
3. Input the 8 digit Unlock Code

If code is Not working:

The workaround is this: Enter the incorrect code until you run out of your ten (10) attempts. Then you'll get the *real* network unlock message, with 32 attempts. Enter the same 8-digit code you've been entering,

ie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SO5ZXQy1zM

Model: All Nokia

1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Compose #PW+CODE+1#

(if locked from Fido/Roger Canada, please compose#PW+CODE+7#)

The letter P appear after press 3 times quickly the button star ( * )
The letter W appear after press 4 times quickly the button star ( * )
The letter + appear after press 2 times quickly the button star ( * )

3 - The phone show "SIM Restriction Off" and was unlocked !

Model: Nokia C3

Turn on the phone with a non-accepted SIM card inserted. It should state that the SIM is restricted.

Press OK to be able to enter the unlock code. Then, using the full QWERTY keypad as normal, type: #pw+CODE+1# and press OK

Note: replace CODE with the unlock code we send you.

How to enter my Unlock Code on Samsung ?

Update 23 August 2011: If you have trouble to enter code and/or if code is not accepted on Samsung Android Phone like Samsung T959, then please try to make "Factory Reset" following the instructions below :

1 - Shut your Android Galaxy S down (Power off) or remove Battery.
2 - Now press Volume up, Home and Power together.
3 - If the Samsung Symbol is comming up leave the Home Button.
4 - Then there is a boot Menu
5 - Volume Up and Down to Navigate , Home to select the choosen option.

Our instructions are GLOBAL instructions for all unlocking services. Instructions about unfreeze are meant for people who have purchased a FACTORY SAMSUNG GENUINE UNLOCK CODES service, which include UNFREEZE code. If you have purchased a carrier unlock code (from you network provider): this service does not include UNFREEZE code. If you have FREEZED your phone, the unlock network code won't help to unfreeze, only unfreeze code will reset freezed phones.

Step 1: Determine the lock level of your Samsung

If you have ordered unlock codes from our website, you will have been pleased to see that every possible unlock code has been emailed to you.

The unlock codes emailed to you will look something like this:
Unfreeze: 12345678 NCK: 12345678 SCK: 12345678 SPCK: 12345678

Most networks only lock their Samsung handsets with the NCK lock enabled. Therefore you should only need to use this code when following the input instructions (see step 2). However some networks will have dual locks in place (whereby the NCK and another lock is enabled) or they may have just an alternative lock level such as SCK or SPCK.

It is best practice to be 100% sure which lock level is present on your handset, to do this follow these instructions:

Enter the following code into your handset while it is turned on and connected to its locked network.

By this we mean the connected to the network your handset is locked to (if you are locked to Orange, insert an Orange SIM card into your handset)

Once connected, enter this code: *#7465625#

A menu will be displayed that will resemble the following...

1. [xxx] Network lock
2. [xxx] Subset lock
3. [xxx] SP lock

(xxx = Value ON or OFF)

If only the Network lock is displayed saying ON then you will only need to use the NCK code with the instructions below. If you see the Subset lock value as ON then you will need the SCK code and if you see the SP lock value as ON you will need the SPCK code.

The unfreeze code we send you should only be needed if:

(a) You accidentally freeze your handset by entering too many incorrect codes or not following our unlock instructions accurately.
(b) Your handset displays the 'phone freeze' message whenever an alternative network SIM card is inserted into your phone prior to it being unlocked.
(c) You see the 'return for service' message.

Now you know the correct lock level of your handset and thus the correct code required for input, you may continue...

NB: If your handset does not accept the code to locate your lock level, simply move straight on to step 2 of this guide...

Step 2 : Input Instructions

Model : Samsung 3G handsets, Zxxx & Dxxx, A707, U900 Series

1- Switch ON your phone with a non accepted SIM Card,
2- Compose: #7465625*638*CODE# (or *#7465625*638*CODE#)

Model : Samsung Z105 & Z107
1 - Switch ON your phone with a not Accepted SIM Card,
2 - Compose : #7465625*638*CODE#

Model : Samsung i616 Jack or Blackjack2 from Fido Canada

1. Power ON your phone with a FIDO SIM Card that the phone is locked to
2. Type #7465625*638*
3. Network Lock Screen appear, enter UNLOCK CODE
4. Device is now unlocked

Model : Samsung A767 (Propel), A437, T459 (Gravity):

1 - Power on without SIM
2 - Type in #7465625*638*Unlock code# (8 digit unlock code*)
3 - Device should say: “Network Lock Deactivated”
4 - Phone may automatically reboot

Model : Samsung SGH-T459 (Gravity):

1. Power on without SIM
2. From the standby screen, use the dial pad to enter the number sequence
3. Type in #7465625*638*Unlock code# (8 digit unlock code*)
4. Device should say: “Network Lock Deactivated”

Model : Samsung i900 / Omnia

1 - Switch ON your phone with a NON Accepted SIM Card,
2 - Enter the pin code of this refused Simcard
3 - Device is now asking for another pin code
4 - Then enter the Unlock Code !

Model : Samsung Zxxx, Dxxx, Pxxx, T139 & F490 (ex : Z140, D520, P200, etc...)

1 - Switch ON your phone with a not Accepted SIM Card,
2 - Compose : #7465625*638*CODE#

Model : Samsung Z510 et Z320i et Z650i :

1 - Switch ON your phone with a not Accepted SIM Card,
3 - Compose **CODE#

Model : Samsung i450, i560 & i8910

1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Compose #PW+CODE+1#

The letter P appear after press 3 times quickly the button star ( * )
The letter W appear after press 4 times quickly the button star ( * )
The letter + appear after press 2 times quickly the button star ( * )

Model : Samsung i780

1. Insert an unaccepted SIM card
2. Enter the pin code to SIM card
3. At the top of screen an "exclamation mark" icon will appear
4. Click on "exclamation mark" icon
5. There will appear link "settings" - click on it
6. Virtual keyboard appears on screen with Enter PIN prompt.
7. Enter your 8-digit unlock code.

Model : Samsung i900

1. Insert an unaccepted SIM card
2. Enter the pin code to SIM card
3. At the top of screen a "lock" symbol with the letters NET will appear
4. You will also be presented with the options "OK"; "Dismiss"
5. Press the "OK" option
6. Virtual keyboard appears on screen (the "Enter PIN" prompt may or may not appear).
7. Enter your 8-digit unlock code.
8. Your phone is now unlocked

Model : Samsung SGH-P207:

1. Reset to original factory setting by typing *2767*3855#, youre phone will reboot
2. Then insert a sim card that is from another network that your phone is not locked to.
3. An Wrong sim message will come up on the screen
4. When message appears type in* #9998*3323#
5. At this time a white screen will appear which says "exit"
6. Tap the rigth soft key, (occasionally it will not go to the next screen, if so press the down key)
7. From the menu that appears scroll down to the malloc Fail option, this will reboot, and normal service screen will appear.
8. Then type *0141# and press the green call key, Personalized will appear on the screen, and the name of the current sim card provider will appear on the screen.
9. Turn phone off, and then turn on
10. Go to menu by tapping left soft key, then settings in bottom right hand corner, then choose option number 7 security, then choose option number 6 Sim Lock, select option 1 disable
11. Then enter 00000000 (eight zeros), the message will come up sim lock disabled with a check mark, your phone is now unlocked to use with other carriers.

Model : All others Samsung

1 - Switch ON your phone with a not Accepted SIM Card,
2 - Phone will ask for "Password",
3 - You can now enter the Unlock Code we send to you.

or (if phone show "Insert Correct SIM Card")

1 - Switch ON your phone with a not Accepted SIM Card,
2 - Compose : #0111*CODE#


1 - Switch ON your phone with an unaccepted SIM Card,
2 - The Phone will then ask for the Code or Password
3 - You can now enter the Unlock Code we sent to you.

Step 3: Trouble Shooting

If your handset freezes for whatever reason and displays the 'Phone Freeze' or 'Return for Service' message then you will need to use the unfreeze code that was issued with your unlock codes.

Below you will see a list of instructions for entering the unfreeze code into different models of Samsung handsets.

Choose the handset instructions closest to your own model if it is not directly available. (i.e. if you have a Samsung i900, consider using the Samsung F480 unfreeze instructions).

NB: Unfreeze instructions are given as an added bonus to your unlock service. This is not the service you purchased and therefore it is provided free of charge.

Reasons for "Phone Freeze"

1. Inputting the unfreeze code rather than the unlock code into your handset.
2. Following the incorrect input procedure for your handset (these must be followed 100% correctly).
3. Handset automatically displaying "Phone Freeze" when an unaccepted SIM card is inserted into the handset, however when the accepted SIM card is inserted, the handset works fine.

Unlocking the phone when in "Phone Freeze"

In order to unlock your handset when the phone is frozen, you need to have access to the handset keypad.

Please note the following information is not provided with any guarantee or warranty of success as the unfreeze codes we provide are issued free of charge as an added bonus with certain Samsung unlocking services.

Option 1 (usually used with keypad Samsungs - U900 etc)

While an unaccepted SIM card is inserted
Enter the unfreeze code
Hit OK (either the left soft key, or in the middle of the touch-field)
Your handset may or may not display an unfreeze message
Now enter your unlock code (see step 1 above to determine this)
The phone should now unlock


Option 2 (usually used with touch screen Samsungs - F480 etc)

With Original SIM card in handset
Enter #7465625*638*UNFREEZE CODE
Phone Unfrozen
Input unaccepted SIM card into handset
Enter #7465625*638*UNLOCK CODE#
Your Phone should now unlock


Option 3 (possible with any Samsung handset)

While an unaccepted SIM card is inserted
Enter unfreeze code
Hit OK
Enter unlock code
Your phone should now unlock

Please note once again, these instructions for frozen handsets are used at the owners risk.

Unfreeze codes are supplied as a bonus for certain Samsung services and we make no warranty or guarantee of their success.

If in doubt, our customers may wish to have their handset manually unfrozen by a local independent mobile phone specialist before returning to use the unlock code we provided which is 100% accurate for your handset.

Instruction on how to unlock Samsung SGH-A107:

1. Turn ON your phone without Sim Card
2. Enter #7465625*638*Unlock Code#
3. Device should say "Network Lock Deactivated"
4. The phone may reboot and the unlock is completed

Instructions for Samsung Galaxy Note II (Troubleshoot):

1. Make sure that the phone PROMPTS for the code with a NON accepted sim card and that your IMEI is correct by dialing *#06#

a. Go to the Dial pad and dial *#197328640#
b. Please click on number [1] UMTS > [1] Debugging screen > [8] Phone Control > [6] NETWORK LOCK
c. You will see 3 options
d. Please click on number [1] Perso Sha256 INFO, the screen will change slightly
e. Please hit the MENU button then when the menu pops up please carefully hit BACK to return to the previous screen
f. Next Please click on number [2] Perso Sha256 ON, the screen will change again to a one line message
g. Restart the phone on the screen by holding the power button and click RESTART
h. When the phone prompts for the unlock code simply enter the unlock code provided to you
i. Your phone is now permanently unlocked!

How to enter my Unlock Code on SonyEricsson ?

Model : All SonyEricsson

1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Press 1 time the left arrow,
3 - Press 2 times the button * ,
4 - Press 1 time the left arrow,
5 - The message "Personalize with MNC2" will appear,
6 - You can now enter the Unlock Code we send to you.

If your phone have a "JOGDIAL" (ex : SonyEricsson K700i) you must press "down arrow" instead of "left arrow" for step 2 & 3. We mean by "Down Arrow" to direct the Jogdial down !.

Model : Sony Ericsson Satio and Sony Ericsson Vivaz.

1 - Switch ON your phone without a SIM Card.
2 - Compose #PW+CODE+1#.
(where CODE is the unlock code you are sent by email).

Press the star (*) button repeatedly to make the P, W or + appear.

Model : Sony Ericsson X10

1. Put in a sim card from a non accepted network.
2. Turn on the phone.
3. It will then request for an unlock code.
4. Press the unlock code box with your finger and then the number pad will appear at the bottom of screen.
5. Input the unlock code.
6. Press "UNLOCK" button which is below the unlock code box on screen.

How to enter my Unlock Code on ZTE ?

1) Insert an unacceptable SIM card to locked phone, now phone should ask unlock code (NP code?). Easy just enter code.
2) Not working?, alright now remove the SIM card and try this code ###825*09# . got the prompt for code? enter the code.
3) Failed above, try *983*8284# . It should work.
4) Try *983*865625# also it’s working on few models of ZTE phones like F102.